Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 10: Giv'er Giv'er, Swan River!

Well, I made it to my destination yesterday and had a pretty good day. I hate my peppers on the way to Swan River, drank a L black coffee and consumed 2 bottles of water on the short drive.  I did eat my peanut butter on rice cakes for breakfast yesterday so I wasn't tempted to grab a muffin at the McDonalds where I got my coffee.

Then, when I arrived to Swan River, Agricultural Days was going on at the Museum, so my brother and his family and myself went along because Amy's flour was being used to make the bread in the clay ovens!  Awesome!  I did help myself to a slice of the bread, but I slathered it with farm honey instead of margarine or jam.  It was quite delicious and it is really cool to see how they make everything.

I had plans on eating lunch in Swan River, but as far as restaurants go there wasn't anything I could just take home with me, so Ryan offered me some sheep sausage when I got home so I chowed down on a few pieces of that as well as a banana.  Then last night, he was extremely considerate of my current dietary requirements and they made healthy turkey burgers with fresh herbs, he even went light on the BBQ sauce for my burgers (he was going to nix it all together, but forgot when he was painting the others).  I had a bunch of salad with a bit of Italian dressing and Amy had whipped up some fries using this cool fry cooker thing where it only takes 1 tbsp of olive oil, so they were healthy!  In addition to that, I went for a long walk down the river because it was freaking hot, so the water felt nice on my legs.

Then I headed into town where I did my photoshoot and Ryan had asked me to pick up some goodies for him and Amy as they were going to snuggle in and watch a movie last night.  He asked me to get a bag of chocolate covered almonds and fuzzy peach slices.  Have you ever wanted something so bad, you can actually imagine what it would feel like to eat it and put it on your tongue?  Seriously, this was the fight I had with myself for the 20 minutes it took me to get from Swan River out to the farm as I look at those two baggies just sitting there, tempting me.  I am proud to say I did NOT indulge in any of them, during the drive or even later that night.  I just bought a large bottle of water and consumed it all night.  Yay me!

Saying no is getting easier, it's just finding the right things, which is incredibly hard in small towns and when traveling.  Of course, most addicts go through treatment before facing their biggest fears in the real world.  Not me.  I start this fun little adventure less than a week before I know I am off traveling about for 2 weeks.  Then again, I have never been one to take things slowly.  If I am going to face my fears I may as well do it now.  As well, I was tired of making up the excuse "well, I'll just start after..." The thing is, next year I will be camping quite a bit and traveling for weddings a lot, so I need to make sure I know what I am doing anyway.  If it's a lifestyle, it has to happen now and cannot wait for the following Monday.  So I urge you, if you are interested in changing your life in any form, do not wait until [insert excuse here] is over.  Start on a random Tuesday or on a Thursday afternoon.  Because if you don't decide to do it through the hard times, you won't be able to do it long term.

Date: August 26, 2013 Swan River drive time!

Current weight: No idea

Goal for the day: Another walk down the river, plus the photoshoot this evening

What is your plan for food today?

B: 2 eggs with spices

S: 1 rice cake with pb

L: Meat and veggies


Su: Chili

Planned water intake: 108 oz (5 water bottles full)

How do I feel: I feel confused in my emotions because I am frustrated that there aren't any healthy options, but that is only because I am stopped over and staying with someone else.  If I was to stay put and have something to cook on (fire, BBQ or stove) then it would be a lot easier to prep for short road trips, snacks, and meals.  Because I am always in transit, I find it difficult and get frustrated at the lack of options.  

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